Wrinkle Relaxers 

Wrinkle relaxers or anti-wrinkle injections are one of our most requested and performed clinic treatments and the most popular cosmetic treatment in the world.

What are wrinkle relaxers? 

Wrinkle relaxers or anti-wrinkle injections are one of our most requested and performed clinic treatments and the most popular cosmetic treatment in the world. When injected skilfully, they can subtly reduce wrinkles, frown lines and furrows while allowing you to retain natural and expressive facial movement. 

Be in safe hands for your treatment

Muscle relaxation 

Muscle relaxation can reduce wrinkles and lift tissues in multiple areas of the face and neck. At Vital Face and Vein, we use the popular Dysport® brand of Botulinum toxin.

What can I expect? 

Our approach to wrinkle relaxer treatment is conservative and our goal is for a natural, more youthful appearance. Your treatment will be tailored for you during your personalised assessment, which is why we charge for what we use (per unit). You will generally see results within 3 days and fully effective by 14 days. Results last from 10 weeks to 6 months.

Be in Safe Hands for your Treatment 

Who better to trust for the most natural looking results from than one of the most experienced and expert providers in Wellington. Our highly skilled cosmetic doctor performs all injectable treatments. 

Book a consultation

Book a Wrinkle Relaxers consultation with Wellington’s doctor operated appearance medicine clinic Vital Face & Vein.